The accounting question of whether fixed assets should remain on the balance sheet is one that has been debated for a long time. There are several reasons why an asset might be considered as no longer meeting the definition of a fixed asset, but many people still believe these items should stay on the balance sheet. In this blog post, we will discuss both sides of the argument and help you make your own decision about what to do with your company’s fixed assets. This blog post is not yet finished. Please use the navigation to continue reading this document, or click ‘Finish Now’ if you are satisfied with your progress for now. Continue writing content .. *The accounting question of whether fixed assets should remain on the balance sheet is one that has been debated for a long time.* There are several reasons why an asset might be considered as no longer meeting the definition of a fixed asset, but many people still believe these items should stay on the balance sheet. In this blog post, we will discuss both sides of the argument and help you make your own decision about what to do with your company’s fixed assets. This blog post is not yet finished. Please use the navigation to continue