
a firm will make a profit when,

When will a firm make a profit? It is difficult to answer this question because it depends on the industry and the type of business. In general, firms can...

a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the...

You. Pronouns: you, me A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. Leadership can be a lonely job with so much responsibility...

a firm will find it profitable to hire workers up to the point at...

If you are an employer, it is important to hire the right employees. The more productive and loyal your staff, the better for your business. But how do you...

a firm will favor fdi over exporting as an entry strategy when:,

The article discusses the risks of exporting and when a firm will favor FDI over exporting as an entry strategy. Keywords to include: export, import, foreign direct investment, entry...

a large, smooth, rounded articulating oval structure is called what?,

What is a large, smooth, rounded articulating oval structure called? If you guessed the hip joint then congratulations! You are correct. The hip joint is one of the largest...

A firm will earn economic profits whenever?

Economic profits are an important concept in economics. They are a measure of the difference between total revenue and total costs, not counting any taxes or other money that...

A large percentage of the revenue of most firms is spent on which function?

What percentage of your firm's revenue is spent on operations? This question, while seemingly simple, can be difficult to answer. Most firms have a large number of different types of...

A firm will earn economic profits whenever?

A business is always concerned with their economic profit margins. The reality is that if a firm does not have positive economic profits, then they will eventually go out...